
Table of Contents

Chapter 6: Physics

Welcome to Physics 101! We are going to be your professors for this chapter. Follow along as we dive into a dynamic world of falling apples, run alongside bouncing balls, and soar with flying spaghetti (see Figure 6.1).

A physics demo

What Is Physics?

In the real world, the laws of physics govern everything from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest galaxy far, far away. Luckily for us, we don’t have to understand quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics, or Euclidean space in order to make a fun game. A physics engine handles game events such as collision detection between objects, moves objects in a physically realistic way, and even deforms objects as if they are made up of a soft material.

A physics engine moves things based on a set of predefined rules so that you, the artist, don’t have to manually animate every object interaction. Compared to traditional keyframe animations, which are premade, the dynamic nature of the physics engine means that it is inherently non-deterministic[md]the motion of the object depends on the physical property of the object and its state in the physical world. This unique property makes games that utilize real-time physics fun to play around with, if not unpredictable sometimes.

As usual, this chapter comes with a collection of example files that showcase what the physics engine can do. You can find them in the folder /chapters6/demos.


Because physics is such an integral part of the Blender game engine, physics-related settings are found in many different places. However scattered they might look at first glance, there is a pattern in this chaos.

The physics settings can be broken down into these sections:

World Properties Editor

Physics Properties Editor

Material Properties Editor

Object Constraints Properties Editor

Logic Brick Editor

Text Editor

So now that you have an overview of what physics is all about and where to find all the settings, the rest of the chapter will explain how to use these settings in combination to achieve various effects.

World Properties

World Properties Editor is generally the first place to visit when setting up physics, simply because the settings here are truly global: they affect the entire scene.

In the World Properties Editor, there are numerous global physics settings that affect how the scene behaves. Again, remember that game-specific settings are only visible when the engine selector is set to Blender Game, as shown in Figure 6.8.

Set engine to Blender Game to see the relevant game settings

Physics Engine

Under the Physics section of the World Properties Editor, you are presented with a choice to select a physics engine. A physics engine is the underlying computer algorithm that drives all physics simulation. Blender uses Bullet Physics, which is a powerful and open-source physics library developed by Erwin Coumans and others. Not only is Bullet used in Blender, but it is also used by other commercial games, as well as movie productions, as part of the visual effects pipeline.

When the engine selector is set to none, all physics calculation is disabled. Dynamic objects will not move when a force is applied, and collisions will not be detected. Most games will use some degree of physics, so keep physics turned on unless you are absolutely sure you don’t need it. If you choose to disable physics, the majority of the features mentioned in the rest of this chapter will not work.

Figure 6.9 shows the World Physics settings.

World Physics settings

Disabling Physics

Some functions that seem to be unrelated to the physics engine, such as the raycast and mouseover sensors, also use the physics engine to detect objects. Therefore, disabling physics will break these functions as well.

With the physics engine set to Bullet, you can set the world gravity value. The higher the number, the faster an object falls. The default value of 9.8 corresponds to acceleration due to gravity on earth; for comparison, Mars has a gravity of 3.7 m/s².

World and Scene Gravity Settings

There are two separate gravity settings in Blender. One in the World panel[md]which controls gravity for the game physics, and one in the Scene panel[md]which controls gravity for the non-game aspect of Blender physics (fluid, particles, and smoke simulation). They are only visible in their respective engines (Blender Game and Blender Render or Cycles Render, respectively).When working with games, make sure you adjust the right setting under World.

Hands-on: World Settings for Multiple Scenes

Because Blender supports multiple scenes and each scene can have its own World data block, the physics settings can be set independently per scene. This means it is possible to create multiple worlds (or levels, as they are commonly called in games), each with different physics settings, all contained within one Blender file. For example, one could create a game with two scenes, one taking place on earth and another taking place on Mars. By altering world settings such as sky color, mist depth, and the gravity strength for each scene, you can easily convey the idea of a foreign planet.

To create a game with two scenes:

  1. Open /Book/Chapter6/earthMars.blend. When the game is running, you are in control of a first-person-shooter style camera, which can be moved with the W, A, S, and D keys and rotated with the mouse. Cubes are generated out of thin air and they fall to the ground according to gravity.

  2. First, rename the default scene from “Scene” to something more descriptive, such as “Earth,” by clicking on the Scene data block and typing in a new name, as shown in Figure 6.10.

Renaming the scene

  1. Go to the World Properties Editor; set the Horizon color to a light blue, as shown in Figure 6.11. This way, you can easily tell which scene is which.

Changing the color of the world

  1. To make another world, you create a copy of Earth scene by clicking on the + sign beside the scene browser. From the drop-down list, select Full Copy, as shown in Figure 6.12. This will be the scene for your second world.

Making a full copy of the scene

  1. Rename the new scene you just created from “Earth.001” to “Mars.”

  2. Go to the World Properties Editor; set the Horizon color to a dark orange (see Figure 6.13).

"Mars" world settings

  1. Lower the gravity from 9.8 to 3.7, which is the gravity on Mars.

  2. To toggle between the two scenes, you need to add a simple logic brick to both of your scenes, so that when the spacebar is pressed in the Earth scene, it will jump to the Mars scene, and vice versa. Set up the logic brick as shown in Figure 6.14. In this case, it doesn’t matter which object the logic brick is attached to because the action it carries out is global. The camera is used in our example to host the logic brick.

Logic brick setup

  1. Recreate the logic brick in the other scene as well. Set it to load the corresponding scene.

  2. Now press P to play the game. Jump between the two scenes using the spacebar. Notice that the gravity and the sky color changes depending on which scene you are on.

  3. That’s it! The finished game can be found under the name earthMars-finished.blend. To extend this game, you can play around with the physics properties of the cube, which is hidden in layer 2.

Culling Resolution

Occlusion culling skips the rendering of objects that are out of view or behind an Occluder object. By not drawing these objects, you can speed up the display performance of the game. Occlusion culling used to be an option that could be turned off by the user, but in the most recent versions, occlusion culling is always turned on.

Occluder objects must be manually defined. For more information on how to set up occlusion culling, refer to Chapter 8, “Workflow and Optimization.”

The culling resolution setting controls how fine the occlusion test is. Higher value leads to slower performance, but it gives more accurate culling of smaller objects that might otherwise be missed by a low-resolution occlusion buffer. The default value of 128 is optimum for most cases.

Not Visible but Still There

Occlusion culling only skips the display of an object. The object would still be processed by the logic and physics engine. So any physical interaction, logic brick setup, or Python script attached to the object will run as usual even when the object is culled from the display.

Physics Substeps

The Physics Steps and Logic Steps are two settings that control the behavior of the physics engine. They are considered advanced tweaks that generally should not be tinkered with. And even if you do, the effect might not be obvious at first. This section tries to demystify those settings. Refer to Figure 6.15 as you follow along.

When physics simulation is not accurate enough, you might see objects going through each other, especially when objects are moving very fast relative to each other. To increase the accuracy of the physics simulation, you can force Blender to break down the physics simulation into a smaller slice of time. You do so by increasing the value of the subset in the interface. Essentially, a substep accounts for the number of physics iterations we have per frame. So 1 substep stands for one interaction per frame, 2 substeps is two iterations (this twice the physics calculations), etc. A higher number makes the physics simulation run with better accuracy, at the cost of a dramatic decrease in performance for physics-heavy scenes.

If you run into any physical instability, you might be tempted to immediately raise the substep value. Avoid this impulse: do not rely entirely on substeps to hide a badly designed physics setup; the physics engine is designed to run with a substep of 1 or 2. Use other ways to stabilize the physics as described later in the chapter. Only raise the substep value when all else fails.

Bottom Line

Generally speaking, a value of 1 is sufficient for slow-moving games; 2 is optimum for fast-moving arcade games and action games with lots of physics interactions; driving games might require a 3 or a 4 (well, depending on how fast the car can go); do not use 5 unless your game contains supersonic objects.

On the Issue of Time

For the following discussion, the word realworld-time refers to the flow of time in the real world, the world that we live in. Relativistic physics aside, real time is always constant for our purpose. There are no magic devices, fabled incantations, or speeding DeLoreans to alter the flow of time.

The term game-time refers to the flow of time in the virtual game world. The flow of game-time is generally constant as well, except for special cases where slow motion or time lapse is used.

Why is this important? For most games, the game-time should be directly proportional to the realworld-time and completely independent of the frame rate. So that no matter how high or low the frame rate is, the game-time will always flow at a constant rate. Having the game-time independent of the frame rate has many benefits. A game that runs on a constant game-time does not slow down when the frame rate is low, nor does it speed up when the frame rate is high. This is to ensure that people with different computers can enjoy the game at the same speed. You wouldn’t want to play a driving game that makes the car go faster on a fast computer but slows down to a crawl on a slow computer!

It turns out that ensuring a constant game-time despite fluctuations in the frame rate is hard! The following few settings are used to control how the game-time is tied together with the frame rate.

Physics Steps

The Max Physics Steps control how many consecutive physical simulation frames the game engine is allowed to run for each rendered frame. A high value (5) is more physically accurate, because it gives the physics engine enough time to complete the physics calculation, regardless of the game frame rate, therefore yielding a more consistent game-time that is independent of the frame rate, at the cost of taking up more processing time. A low value (1) can increase the frame rate of the game slightly by reducing the number of consecutive physical simulation frames the game engine is allowed to run every frame, but at the cost of inaccurate physics behavior, because the game-time would be linked to the frame rate.

Bottom Line

If you are still confused, just set the Max Physics Steps to 5. This ensures that the game-time is as constant as possible, no matter what the frame rate is.

Logic Steps

Very similar to the Max Physics Steps, the Max Logic Steps control how many consecutive game logic tics the game engine is allowed to run for each rendered frame. When the game frame rate is lower than the nominal FPS setting, a high value (5) is more accurate because it makes sure the logic step always gets enough time to finish all the logic computation. Conversely, a low value (1) will yield slightly better performance at the cost of a fluctuation in game-time. So this means that when the frame rate is high, the game will run normally, but if the frame rate drops, the game will appear to slow down.

Bottom Line

The default value of 5 means that the logic always gets enough time to run, no matter what frame rate the game runs at. This ensures that the game-time does not slow down when the frame rate is low.


Frames per second is the Holy Grail of performance benchmarking. For a video game, a high frame rate is always desired because it means smoother action and faster response to user input. Frame rate is a function of the complexity of the scene and the speed of the computer. Unfortunately, the setting here only acts as a frame rate cap, not the actual frame rate the game is guaranteed to run at. The default value of 60fps means that each second, the game engine evaluates the game logic 60 times. This particular number is chosen since most LCD monitors do not refresh faster than 60Hz, so, any extra frame rendered by the computer will just be wasted.

Internally, fps sets the number of logic tics and physics tics the game engine runs at. So as you lower the fps setting, the number of logic and physics tics performed by the game will decrease accordingly. This has the effect of slowing down the game-time_._ In another word, if the fps is set too low, not only will the game feel choppy, but it will actually appear as if it’s running in slow motion.

Bottom Line

The default value of 60 is good for most game applications. Setting this value higher does not give you better performance. It is also customary for some games to set the fps to a lower value such as 30. The idea is that a game running at a constant 30fps feels smoother than a game that is fluctuating between 30fps and 60fps. Additionally, you can set vsync in your graphic card to force a frame rate ceiling. You don’t have control over that in the player’s computer, though.

Physics Deactivation

The values Linear Threshold, Angular Threshold, and Time all control how aggressively the physics engine puts objects to “sleep” in order to reduce the load on the game.

Setting the deactivation time to 0 effectively disables this optimization. Since sleep can also be disabled per object from the Physics Properties Editor, it’s generally not recommended to disable deactivation here.

Lower the Linear Threshold if an object comes to a stop earlier than expected.

Lower the Angular Threshold if an object comes to a stop from spinning earlier than expected.

Physics Panel Settings

So now that you are familiar with the World Properties Editor, which contains settings that apply to all physical objects indiscriminately, let’s take a look at the Physics Properties Editor. From here, you can alter the physical characteristics of individual objects.

Physics settings apply to all game objects types, including mesh, empty, lamp, and camera.

Physics Types

How do you decide which physics type to pick for an object? That largely depends on the role of the object in the game. Table 6.1 shows all the physics types that are available in Blender and their corresponding characteristics.

Type Collision G,F,T Roll Typical Use
No collision No No No Effects, high-resolution mesh
Static Yes No No Buildings, immovable structures
Dynamic Yes Yes No None
Rigid Body Yes Yes Yes Movable barrels, crates, general objects
Soft Body Yes Partial Yes Hair, cloth, rubber ducky
Occluder No No No Walls for performance optimization
Sensor Yes No No Event triggers
Navigation No No No Pathfinding helper
Character Yes No No Designed specifically for characters

Table 6.1: Physics Types

To familiarize yourself with the different physics types, open the demo file available from /Book/Chapter6/demo/physicsTypes.blend. It shows some of the common physics types and their behavior, as shown in Figure 6.15.

Different physics types visualized

Let’s look at the settings in more detail.

No Collision

No Collision skips all physics calculation. The objects will be effectively invisible to the physics engine. Other objects will not be able to detect collision with the object, nor collide with it. No Collision objects can still be moved using the Motion actuator. Use this for objects that you don’t intend to interact with at all during the game, such as leaves of vegetation.

Collision Proxy

Setting an object to No Collision completely skips collision detection on the object, which can speed up the game considerably on a high-polygon mesh. A common practice is to set the high-polygon mesh to No Collision and then manually create a simplified “collision proxy” mesh object that approximates the shape of the high-polygon mesh. Then attach the high-polygon mesh to the collision proxy using parenting. This way, the low-polygon mesh will be used for all collision calculation, which is fast, and a high-polygon version of the object will be used for display, which is visually nicer. As this is an optimization technique, a step-by-step tutorial on creating a collision proxy is covered in Chapter 8.


Static objects are the default physics type for objects. They do not fall due to gravity, nor do they move by external impact, such as another object striking them. By default, the mesh itself is used as the collision mesh, which can be slow if the object has a lot of polygons. Static objects never move on collision with another object. Use this setting for objects that require collision but don’t move, such as buildings and fixed structures.


Dynamic objects are different from static objects in that they have a defined mass and follow the basic Newtonian law of mass and acceleration. They fall due to gravity and react when another object collides with them. By default, the collision bound for dynamic objects is a sphere for performance reasons. Sometimes this is sufficient, but most of the time, it’s better to use another shape as the collision bound. More on collision bounds in Chapter 8. Moreover, because dynamic objects do not roll, their usefulness is limited. If you want to simulate a realistic 3D object, Rigid Body is what you want.

Rigid Body

Rigid body behaves very similarly to a dynamic object: they have a defined mass, accelerate due to gravity, and react to collisions. On top of that, rigid body objects have the ability to tumble when needed, whereas a dynamic object will slide awkwardly down a ramp without rotating.

If the Suzanne model in the aforementioned sample Blender file is set to Rigid Body, it will behave like a real object, fall toward the ground, and come to rest on one of its ears.

Avoid DLoc Movement

When using a dynamics based object (Dynamic, Rigid Body, and so on), you should use physics-based options, such as force and linear velocity for movement, and not change its location directly by dLoc.

Soft Body

Whereas all the previously described physics types operate on the objects by moving and rotating them around without changing the underlying geometry, Soft Body physics uses a mass-spring system to apply deformations to the actual geometry. With Soft Body, you can create convincing cloth and other soft objects. Although it is very cool to play around with, Soft Body is very computationally intensive compared to the other physics types, and not as stable, so use it sparingly.

As seen in the Suzanne model in the sample file, it will fall due to gravity, and once it hits the ground, it collapses as if it’s made of a rubber shell. This is the power of Soft Body physics.

Apply Scale

The physics engine works more reliably when the objects have a scale of 1. Thus, it is highly recommended to Apply Scale by pressing Ctrl+A on most of the objects before you run the game. This will prevent a lot of the strange issues that might crop up later.


Occluder objects do not react to gravity and collision. Their only function is to make any objects behind them invisible. Occluder objects are used to help the game engine decide when to remove objects from view to speed up the rendering performance. Strategically-placed occluders can significantly increase the performance of the game.

Figure 6.16 explains how occluders work.

From left to right, the first image shows the scene setup of /Book/Chapter6/PhysicsOccluder.blend. The second image shows what the camera sees. Notice the monkey head is not visible because the plane is blocking it. The third image is the view from the same camera while in-game, in wireframe mode. Notice that even though the monkey head is behind the wall, it is still being rendered, thus wasting precious computing time. The last image is the same in-game view as the previous image, but with the wall set to Occluder, the monkey head is not displayed.

Occluder culling


Similar to Static Object, a Sensor object detects collision with another object. It is usually used as a replacement for the “radar” or “near” sensor because a Sensor object can be made into any arbitrary shape. Furthermore, Sensors will detect collisions, but they do not register a response. In other words, they behave like ghost objects. Additional logic bricks are needed to utilize a Sensor object effectively.

This setting turns an object into a helper object that is used for pathfinding navigation.

Since Blender 2.6, the game engine has a fully automated AI pathfinding routine. It can be used to direct an AI character through the 3D world, reaching a target, while avoiding obstacles.

Hands-on Tutorial: Navigation

  1. Open /Book/Chapter6/navigation.blend

  2. This scene is set up with four objects (excluding the lamp and the camera).

  3. Monkey is our main character; it will be navigating through the maze (the VisualMesh) to get to the Target. To aid its quest, we have created a simple helper geometry that outlines where the character can walk. This object is known as the NavMesh. Figure 6.17 shows the initial setup.

Navigation system

  1. A navigation mesh is a helper object (invisible while the game is running) that is used to help guide other objects along a path. The NavMesh object is a regular mesh object that defines the shape of the accessible area for the pathfinding routine.

  2. There are two ways to create a navigation mesh. One is to manually model a geometry that covers all the areas that are accessible to a character. This is what we have done with NavMesh.

  3. Another option is to ask Blender to create a navigation automatically. It might be easier for larger maps, but the result is far less predictable. We will cover this functionality at the end of this hands-on tutorial.

  4. Make sure that the NavMesh object is selected and change its physics type to Navigation Mesh. The NavMesh will turn into a colorful grid, but don’t be alarmed[md]this is normal. It means the object now can be used to aid in navigation. Navigation meshes becomes invisible when the game is running.

  5. Select the Monkey object and add a “steering” Logic Brick actuator to it, as shown in Figure 6.18. Define the target and navigation mesh object, as shown in Figure 6.19.

Steering actuator setup

  1. And you are done! Start the game and watch the monkey seek out the cone. The Steering actuator contains additional options that you can explore.

  2. Figure 6.19 shows the finished game running in the Blender game engine. You can check out navigation-finished.blend.


  1. As promised, another way to create a navigation mesh is to use the automatic generator. To do this, delete the NavMeshobject first so you can start with a clean slate.

  2. Select the object you want to use as the guide in creating the navigation mesh. In this case, you need to select VisualMesh. Blender will build a new navigation mesh based on this mesh.

  3. Go to the Scene tab of the Properties Editor, as seen in Figure 6.20. You should see a “Build Navigation Mesh” button, along with a whole slew of settings.

Automatic navigation mesh generation

  1. Pressing the aforementioned button will create a navigation mesh automatically from the visual mesh.

  2. If the result isn’t optimal, play with the settings. Agent Radius is a good place to start.


This is a specialized physics type that is designed specifically for player-controlled characters. This physics type follows the basic rules of kinematics, while ignoring some of the other physical rules in order to make the object’s behavior more predicable. For example, the character object type doesn’t bounce off walls or slide on ramps. PhysicsType.blend has an example of a playable character object that walks around. Try to move it with the arrow keys.

Common Settings

Whew. With all the physics types out of the way, let’s look at some of the shared settings common to most of the physics types described earlier.

Hammer and Feather

A hammer and a feather fall at the same rate in vacuum! In air, the drag force will slow down a lighter object more than a heavier object, so a heavier object indeed falls faster than a lighter object. But since Blender does not model air friction, object mass does not affect how fast they fall. This is not a bug!

Just as an 18-wheeler truck hitting a bunny won’t have a happy ending (for the bunny), the physics engine works best when the objects interacting have masses of a similar magnitude. When an object with a very large mass collides with an object with a very small mass, instability might be created in the physics engine. As a general rule, keep all objects within 2 magnitudes of mass to each other. So, if an object weighs 1.0, it shouldn’t interact with an object that is much heavier than 100.0.

Additionally, there are options for controlling when objects go to sleep in the World properties under the “Physics Deactivation” label. This settings can be used to change the global delay before objects are deactivated.

When the collision bound is set to Convex Hull, the collision bound takes the shape of the object, but with all the concave areas filled in. Convex Hull can accurately approximate an object of any shape as long as it doesn’t have any “negative” space, such as holes. For example, a doughnut-shaped rigid body object set to Convex Hull will be treated as if the hole isn’t there.

Collision bounds visualization: Top row: box, sphere, cylinder; Bottom row: cone, convex hull, triangle mesh

Visualizing Collision Bounds

Once the collision bound is set, you should notice that the collision bound is visualized as a dashed lines in the 3D viewport. This helps you visualize the relationship between the collision bounds and the visual mesh. To visualize the collision bounds in-game, turn on “Show Physics Visualization” in the Game Options screen and run the game.

But, why use compound when you can just join your objects together with Ctrl+J? Apart from the fact that there might be times when you need to control individual objects (so joining them might not be an option), using compound collision bounds made up of simple primitives is actually recommended over using one triangle mesh collision bound. The reason is again that a combination of simple primitives is faster to compute than a triangle meshes.

Hands-on Tutorial: Creating Compound Objects

To create a compound physics object (see Figure 6.22):

  1. Open /Book/Chapter6/compound.blend.

  2. Run the game. Notice that even though the three objects are parented together, they do not react to the ground plane in a convincing way. Only the parent object collides with the ground.

  3. To change that, from the Physics Properties Editor, turn on Compound for each of the three objects.

  4. Run the game now and notice that all objects contribute to the kinematics of the group.

Compound objects physics

Material Panel Physics Settings

By adding a material to the object, you enable additional options that give you finer control over some of the physical properties of the surface. Figure 6.23 shows the physics settings found in the Material panel.

Material physics settings

Once Force Field is enabled in the Material panel, you will need to tell individual objects to respect that setting by going into the Physics Properties Editor and turning on Use Material Force Field.

Hands-on Tutorial: Force Field Water Surface

Force field can be used to create a convincing[md]you guessed it![md]force field effect, where an object moving toward a force field seems to be slowed down by invisible energy. This is very different from the usual rigid body interactions, which are always hard collisions.

As you might imagine, the Force Field setting is used to simulate the realistic interaction of floating objects on a calm water surface. To do this:

  1. Open /Book/Chapter6/water.blend.

  2. Select the Cube. You want this object to behave like a basic wooden crate, a crate that bounces, tumbles, and floats in water. So let’s add some dynamics to it. Go to the Physics Properties Editor and set the Type from Static to Rigid Body.

  3. For extra fun, let’s make a lot of these crates! But instead of manually creating them, we’ll dynamically add them in-game on the player’s command.

  4. Select the Camera object in the Logic Editor panel and add a new Keyboard sensor, a new And controller, and an Edit Object actuator, as shown in Figure 6.24.

Logic bricks

  1. To make sure that the cube objects get instantiated when you run the game, you need to hide the original cube object. To do this, simply move the Cube to the second layer by pressing M and then 2.

  2. With only layer one selected, run the game now. Notice how the cubes all collide with the ground plane, but because the ground plane is hard, the motion is rather jarring. It doesn’t look like objects floating on water at all.

  3. To make the ground plane have a water-like property, we will turn on Force Field. First, select the object called WaterPlane.

  4. Head to the Material Properties Editor and create a new material. Then simply copy the force field physics setting, as shown in Figure 6.25.

Material physics settings

  1. Et voilà! Start the game, press the spacebar, and watch the crates tumble into the ocean.

  2. For added realism, create a No-Collision Plane on top of the WaterPlane to act as the water surface.


Constraints are frequently used to create joints and mechanical linkages, indispensible components of many games. The Constraints Properties Editor is shown in Figure 6.26.

Adding a Rigid Body Joint in the Constraints Properties Editor

The only supported object constraint is the Rigid Body Joint. It is used to connect two objects together using a user-defined joint.

Figure 6.27 illustrates the variety of pivot types.

Constraints illustrated

Once you have decided on the pivot type you need, you’ll need to set the Targetobject. The Target object is the object that the current object will be linking to.

The rest of the settings should be very self-explanatory. Refer to /Book/Chapter6/demo/constraints.blend to see each constraint’s type in action.

Vehicle Physics

The Blender physics engine has built-in support for vehicle physics. It is a very stable physics constraints system that provides easy-to-set-up car physics. The result is a fast-performing vehicle physics engine with easily tweakable settings that maps well into a real vehicle (steering, suspension length, suspension stiffness)

Of course, you can also try to create a car physics setup without using the built-in physics constraints; however, it will be far more time-consuming. This section will demonstrate how to set up a playable car object in the game engine using the built-in Bullet engine and a bit of Python scripting.

Hands-on Tutorial: Vehicle Physics Using Python

To get started, open /Book/Chapter6/vehicle/car.blend.

Rather than presenting this as a step-by-step tutorial, we will dissect a fully working, pre-made file.

Our basic car is composed of a body object and four wheel objects. The wheels are separate from the car for now. The physics engine will be responsible for keeping the wheels attached to the body, so the location of the wheel objects does not matter at this point. In this file, they are placed close to the car body for convenience.

Because attaching the wheels to the body will be done by a script, it is crucial for the rotation of the wheel to be correctly set; otherwise, the wheel will be linked to the car in the wrong orientation once the physics engine takes over. In the sample file, notice that the wheel objects all have their rotation set to [0,0,0]. This is important because the local rotation on the objects will interfere with the physics engine and confuse the game engine, resulting in unexpected behavior when you try to attach the wheels to the car. If a wheel needs to have its rotation reset, press Ctrl+A to apply any rotation.

Also notice that the car body is a rigid body object with ghost turned on. This setting is crucial for the car physics to run correctly.

That’s pretty much it[md]a car body object and four tires make up the vehicle.

As already mentioned, the actual vehicle physics relies on some Python script to function. Figure 6.28 shows all the logic bricks that are attached to the car body object. Notice that script plays a big part in it.

Vehicle logic brick setup

The script.carInit() functionality is run when the game is started. Here, it initializes the car as a “vehicle constraint,” also known as constraint type11, and stores it as a Python object called vehicle. The same script then looks for the four wheels by accessing an actuator with specific names (in this case, wheel1, wheel2, etc.), and then the script attaches the wheels to the car body using the settings specified in the script. Variables such as RollInfluence, SuspensionStiffness, and TyreFriction can all be set on a per-tire basis once the vehicle object is created. The job of carInit() is now done. Your car body is now considered to be a vehicle by the game engine, and it will behave like one.

The second most important function, script.carHandler(), is run every frame. This script does the actual moving of the car, and it applies engine force and steering to the vehicle object. But this script gets the user input (keyboard sensor inputs) from another source (see below). The vehicle wrapper has built-in methods such as applyBreaking(), applyEngineForce(), getWheelRotation(), and getNumWheels, which you can call.

Every time a key is pressed, script.keyHandler() is run. It figures out which key is pressed and sets the intermediate variable so that the scripts.carHandler function will know how much throttle to apply, which way to steer, and so on. This script is separated from scripts.carHandler() not because of technical limitations but by design, so that it’s easier to manage the code.

With these three Python functions, the car comes alive.

Game Settings

Game settings are global settings that affect the running of the game. These settings are shown in Figure 6.29 and can be found in the Render panel.

Additional game settings

Rigid Body objects are displayed in white, and sleeping objects are drawn in green.

Stabilizing Physics

The Bullet physics engine is good. Really good. But as with anything that is powered by a computer, it is still possible to get into a situation where things go haywire.

Okay, so what is unstable physics anyway? When you see objects jitter around when they are not supposed to, or when objects go through each other when they are supposed to collide, you know it’s time for a reality check.

Here are some tips to help you regain control of your game. All of the settings here are already covered in the chapter; this list is simply a collection of the most common actions to take to stabilize physics.